Administered by TCA, the Horses First Fund was established in 2016 by LNJ Foxwoods to assist Thoroughbreds and their caretakers in need of emergency aid due to large scale neglect, natural disaster, or other catastrophe.
The Horses First Fund has provided support in several equine neglect cases, has assisted with relief aid to the Thoroughbreds at Camarero Racetrack in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, and provided support to Thoroughbreds and their caretakers affected by the fires at San Luis Rey Downs in California.
The Horses First Fund is managed by a committee, comprised of Fund founder Jaime Roth, George Hills, Erin Crady, Nathan McCauley, Mike McMahon, Shannon Arvin, and Adrian Mansergh-Wallace.
Read about the Horses First Fund’s efforts in Puerto Rico in this article published in Off-Track Thoroughbred Magazine.